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Increasing the Potential for Success of Local Enterprise Partnerships

           A Corporate Social Responsibility Project Sponsored by Experto Crede



  1. Engaged Department for Business & Department for Communities LEP teams
  2. Engaged UKTI LEP Teams
  3. Engaged 49 Councils involved in LEP submissions
  4. Documented WTO representative Guidance
  5. Documented a Sample LEP Terms of Reference based on BIS guidance
  6. Contributed to LEP Consultations sessions in locations where we have representation
  7. Documented a best practice workshop on strategies, resources and partners (full copy / summary)
  8. Assist LEPs to understand the value of existing and alternative forms of business support


  1. Disseminate progress to councils with whom we have not had contact
  2. Discuss the efficacy of LEPs committing to sharing intelligence with other LEPS on areas where co-dependency exists i.e. the success of local supply chains
  3. Assist LEPs to directly engage major employers who could support their LEPs success


         Any and all feedback on this project is welcome.  To provide feedback click here


Summer 2010 is a difficult time for the United Kingdom. It has a significant fiscal deficit and few opportunities to improve the economic status of its inhabitants. One significant opportunity is to trade out of the crisis. To trade out of the crisis the country needs companies who contribute significantly to gross domestic product and who employ people in high added value jobs.

The coalition government recognises that economic development of the country is important. It has decided to support this through the implementation of local enterprise partnerships.  In the spirit of free trade it appears to have given local councils the opportunity to set up these organisations. The deadline for initial submissions being the beginning of September 2010. However it has given councils little guidance on what the local enterprise partnership should be involved in.

From our perspective, giving councils the opportunity to develop sub-regional economic development engines could be successful. However, this will only work if councils work effectively with business. Awareness of how this has been achieved successfully in the UK and overseas is generally poor at a council level. This is primarily because those responsible for economic development departments are generally under resourced in comparison to the U.K.'s competitors.

Over the period of August 2010 councils in the United Kingdom are required to develop their proposals for local enterprise partnerships. If these submissions are to result in long-term success it is apparent that local enterprise partnerships should attempt to replicate the successful activities of similar organisations in the UK and overseas: if they will accelerate sub-regional economic growth.

Guidance on what these activities are has not been made available from government. Our concern is that without such guidance local enterprise partnerships will not be as successful as swiftly as the UK requires.

Experto Crede has an international reputation for effectively assiting governments and their agents to implement enterprise strategies.  As a consequence, as part of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility, we have allocated 30 days of pro bono consultancy to the task of helping councils develop their local enterprise plans. 


Work with any organisation that seeks to improve the success of local enterprise partnerships.

Open dialogue between local enterprise partnerships whose approach, plans, and methods could benefit other local enterprise partnerships.

Illustrate our perspective of UK and international good and best practice. In particular practice that involves improving the effectiveness and efficiency of business partnerships.


No organisation has yet attempted to improve the potential effectiveness and efficiency of local enterprise partnerships.


Develop an experience sharing network within the organisations that wish to support and develop local enterprise partnerships.

Inform and involve those developing local enterprise partnerships in discussion with regard to good and best practice.

Inspire the UK companies that have significant human and capital expenditure to support local economic partnership proposals.


Those with whom Experto Crede has had contact during this project will be asked to provide customer care feedback. This needs to achieve existing quality levels.


If you wish to support this project please express your interest via the web based form shown here