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Business Review: Support, Trading Status and Confidence

The person who referred you to this form wishes to develop business support in your area. It typically takes 7 minutes to complete.  Your feedback will be used as anonymous input.

As you will know they wish to compare the business support organisation detailed in their email to you, to that taken by other organisations across the UK.  They are also interested to compare the trading status and confidence of organisations in their area to the UK as a whole.

If you desire, you will be provided with a summary of the National Business Review to which your responses have contributed.

Please navigate between the questions below using your mouse and not the 'enter' or 'tab' keys on your computer.  Thank you.

What is the email address of the person who referred you to this form.
What is the name of the business support organisation you wish to review
How many months ago did you last take support from this organisation?
How would you classify them?

The sector in which they operate is:

In what professional capacity did they supply services?

Would you use them again?

What advice have you received
The following questions are broken down into the three types of support that are typically provided: documentation, signposting and 'face-to-face' advice
1. Have you received documentation about...
How to start up a business
How to develop my business
How to manage risk
How to win new business
How to keep customers
How to diversify
How to cut costs
How to be more efficient
How to optimise human resources
How to comply with Health and Safety legislation
How to reduce your carbon footprint
How to find competitive suppliers
How to access university / research institute resources
How to engage professional advisers
2. Have you been signposted by them to...  
International government funded support
National government funded support
Regionally funded government support
Regional public funded advisers
Local public funded advisers
Local private sector professional advisers
Local networking groups
Local competitive suppliers
Local universities /research institutes
Professional advisers in their organisation
2. Have you received 'face-to-face' advice about...
How to start up a business
How to develop my business
How to manage risk
How to win new business
How to keep customers
How to diversify
How to cut costs
How to be more efficient
How to optimise human resources
How to comply with Health and Safety legislation
How to reduce your carbon footprint
How to find competitive suppliers
How to access university / research institute resources
How to engage professional advisers
What other subjects have you been supported on...
Subject 1

Subject 1 Detail

Subject 2

Subject 2 Detail

Subject 3

Subject 3 Detail

Subject 4

Subject 4 Detail

Where do you source the majority of your business support from?


Has your...
Turnover increased over the past 12 months
Gross profit increased over the past 12 months
Net profit increased over the past 12 months
Overseas sales increased
Bank lending increased compared to 12 months ago
Bank lending terms improved compared to 12 months ago
Turnover expectation for the next 12 months improved
Gross profit expectation for the next 12 months improved
Net profit expectation for the next 12 months improved


Do you wish to receive a copy of the National Business Review to which you have contributed
If, Yes please provide..
Your email address
Your postcode

Please press the 'Submit' button below once you have completed your response.  Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.  Your input will is much appreciated.