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National Business Development Webinar. Session 3 Output: 5 July 2010

Following the webinar we agreed to publish the findings of the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) break-out session.

ITEM 1: The link to a potential Terms of Reference for a potential Local Enterprise Partnership discussed in the webinar is shown here.

ITEM 2: The link to output of the LEP brain-storming session is shown here.

(Special thanks to country representatives from United Arab Emirates, Norway, United States, Canada, Switzerland, Republic of Korea and Turkey for their contributions)

ITEM 3: For those undertaking the business support benchmark in support of their business growth strategy, please refer to the agreed web-based form


The next meeting is on Monday 9th of August at 0700 and 2300 GMT.
The break out-sessions will cover:

Start-up Promotion at Korea's Chungnam National University: Next Steps

Background on proposed changes to Korean start-up support will be sent by email on the 2nd of August by email to members.

Members should contact Joseph Connor if you wish to add participants to the webinar.  He can be contacted via the London office on + 44 207 659 2005 or by email at


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