UK Business Carbon Top3Map



Are You Competitive in the Low Carbon Economy?

The Carbon Top3Map tool enables a supplier to identify its readiness to support carbon/cost reduction strategies in line with the only publicly available standard PAS 2050.

There is no cost to those who use Carbon Top3Map tool. Neither are users required to identify themselves in their responses. 

Once a user has completed the questions in the tool (a process that typically takes 12 minutes) they are sent a link to information that will enable them to benchmark their response (or that of their supply chain) against the UK average.

Increasingly, suppliers are referred to the Carbon Top3Map by customers and business networks: who wish to enable suppliers' to save cost and carbon: with the assistance of  government funded business support services.  Examples of how Customers can improve their Supplier's competitiveness in the low carbon economy.

Background to BIS's Sponsorship of the Carbon Top3Map

The UK has a legally binding target to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050. This target will necessitate a transformation of the whole economy with all businesses in all sectors being affected. In order to minimise the costs and maximise the opportunities arising from a transition to a low-carbon economy, it is important that businesses are aware of the challenges ahead and are prepared to meet them.

A non-attributable synopsis of the Carbon Top3Map results was used to the report in the preparation of the UK's Low Carbon Industrial Strategy and published by BIS as the UK Business Carbon Top3Map Report.

Further details on this can be found at:

As part of the development of this Strategy, the Government is seeking to improve its understanding about:

  • who is under pressure to become more competitive in a low carbon economy

  • their ability to respond to this transformation

  • the actions they have taken to date to improve energy and resource efficiency and to reduce their carbon emissions.

If you wish to be involved in the ongoing development of the Carbon Top3Map, or suggest development ideas please click here to express your interest.