Carbon Top3Map™  
  This tool has been developed in partnership with the Department for Business Innovation and Skills.  It will enable you to benchmark your carbon reduction readiness relative to the national average and PAS 2050 - the publicly available standard for measuring your company's carbon footprint.

For further information on the:
  • outputs from the benchmarking process click here
  • topics raised in the tool following the links provided
  • agencies who can assist you to improve your position relative to the national average click here


  Please navigate between the questions below using your mouse and not the 'enter' or 'tab' keys on your computer.  When you are happy with your response please press the Submit button.   
 Please provide the email address of the organisation who referred you to the Carbon Top3Map™    


Contact with you      
1. Have your customers communicated the need to reduce your:    

Operational costs

1.2 Energy consumption    
1.3 Resource inefficiencies     
1.4 Carbon footprint    
2. Has your management communicated the need to reduce your:      
2.1 Operational cost    
2.2 Energy consumption    
2.3 Resource efficiencies    
2.4 Carbon footprint    
Information Available to Your Firm      
3. Does your firm know:      
3.1 The operational costs attributable to the individual products/services that you sell?    
3.2 The location of your customers, and how do they use the products/services that you sell?    
3.3 What is bought for your site, where it comes from, and how it is made?
3.4 The effectiveness & efficiency of your operation?    
3.5 Your sites energy usage?    
3.6 The energy consumption attributable to the different production/delivery processes used at your site?    
3.7 The energy consumption attributable to the individual products/services that you sell?    
4. Would your suppliers inform you about:      

The amount of energy used to make the products/services that you buy?


Processes they use to make the products/services that you buy?

5. Would your customers inform you about:    
5.1  The amount of energy used to process/consume the products/services that you sell?    

The methods used to process/consume the products/services that you sell?

6. Would you require assistance to address the issues raised in 3,4 and 5    

If yes, please tick the type of assistance you would prefer:

  Guidance notes    


  Advice from a specialist adviser    

Experience sharing groups


Other, please specify


Would you be prepared to contribute to the cost of providing such resources


Your Existing Commitments to Action

7. Have you acted to reduce the carbon used, produced and passed on by your production processes    
  If you have:      

  -  and used external advisors to achieve your aims, who advised you?


 - what has been the payback period in months associated with your investment? 


- what benefit have you accrued from your actions?

8. Please tick the management approaches that your firm has experience of adopting      
  ISO 9000    
  Lean Management    
  Activity Based Costing    
  Value Stream Mapping    
  Six Sigma    
  Supply Chain Mapping and Development    
  An Environmental Management System    
  BS 8555    
  ISO 14001    
  PAS 2050    
  A-G Energy Efficiency Rating    
  Code for Sustainable Homes    
  Eco Labelling    
  Efficient Consumer Response    

If you have adopted an approach to reducing your carbon emissions which is not listed what is it called?

9. Which external resource would you initially turn to seek assistance about:      
9.1 Operational cost reduction?    
9.2 Energy efficiency?    
9.3 Reducing your sites carbon footprint and that of your products/services?    
9.4 Reducing your resource inefficiencies?    
9.5 Low carbon technologies that could be adopted by your firm?    
9.6 Capitalising upon low carbon processes and technology you have developed?    


Have you used any of the government grants, incentives or assistance available to address:      
10.1 Operational cost reduction?    


Energy efficiency?    
10.3 Resource efficiency?    


Reducing your carbon footprint?    
11. Would you like to understand more about what assistance is available to you concerning :      
11.1 Operational cost reduction?    
11.2 Energy efficiency?    
11.3 Resource efficiency?    


Reducing your carbon footprint?    




Are you interested to know how your responses compare to those of your peers?    

If yes, to which e-mail address should the Carbon Top3Map Benchmark be sent


To enable respondents to relate to the Summary, please indicate:

  Your area of responsibility?    
Your primary area of interest?
  The nature of your firms business?    
  Which of the following sectors are you most closely associated with, if any?    
  The size of your organisation?    
  Your region (if based in the UK)?    
  The firms estimated annual energy bill?