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Management Relationship Review

The following has proved to be of value to those seeking to understand how to improve key or challenging relationships.

Please submitted answers to the 39 questions below. It should take you no more than  10 minutes to complete.   The Subject of your assessment must submit their views on you using the same form. 

We will then compare your responses, variances highlight key challenges to your actual success.

Please navigate between the questions below using your mouse and not the 'enter' or 'tab' keys on your computer.  Thank you.

The Subject of this relationship review is:
Their role in this relationship is:
The sector in which they operate is:
How would you classify them?
How many similar relationships to yours do they have:
What would you say they take from you?
Your role in this relationship is:
The sector in which you operate is:
How would they classify you?
How many similar relationships do you have?
What would they say you deliver?
Do you think, they would say that you are successful at what you do?
Do their actions support your success?
Do their actions support those who fund you to do what you do?
Do you think, they would say your actions support their success?
Do you proactively provide them with improvement ideas?
Do you proactively action their requests for information in a professional and timely manner?
Do you think, that they would rate the quality of your response to them highly?
Do you adversely affect them by changing quality levels?
Are their stated quality levels realistic?
Do you agree quality levels with them?
Do you think, that they would rate your delivery scheduling highly?
Is your delivery scheduling adversely affected by their actions
Do they issue you with realistic delivery schedules?
Do they ask you to agree delivery schedules?
Do you think they would rate your demand planning highly?
Is your demand planning adversely affected by their actions?
Do they issue you with realistic demand plans?
Do they ask you to agree demand plans?
Do you think that they would rate your forecasts as detailed and timely?
Are your forecasts adversely affected by their actions
Are you given the opportunity to get involved in their improvement plans?
Do you proactively pursue joint opportunities or challenges together?
Does your contact with them positively affect your own performance?
Does your contact with them positively affect the performance of those who fund you to do what you do?
Does your contact with them improve their performance?
Do their Terms and Conditions meet your needs?
Are your contractual enquiries answered in a satisfactory manner?
Overall, would you rate your relationship with them as excellent?
My Name is:
My Organisation is:
My responsibility is:
My Telephone Number is:
My Email Address is:

Please press the 'Submit' button below once you have completed your response.