Sustainable Success


By Inspiring People

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Mentor Matching

Please use the form below when directed by your Sponsor.  This form enables you to share your views on issues that greatly impact upon the success.  It is expected that using your response, your Sponsor will be able to efficiently match your needs to a mentor who can inspire your continued success.  To assist in this process your Sponsor may contact you by phone to clarify your responses.

You are encouraged to provide open and honest feedback on your initial contact with a Mentor.  We assist this process by providing a Match Status Form.

Once terms of engagement have been agreed between you and your Mentor, we strongly suggest that both parties jointly reflect upon the status of services delivered.  We assist this process by providing access to a Quality Review  Form.  

If you have any questions with respect to the form below please contact your Sponsor.

Please navigate between the questions below using your mouse and not the 'enter' or 'tab' keys on your computer.  Thank you.

What reference number did your Sponsor give you
(please leave blank if you have not received one)

If you do not have a Sponsor Reference Number please provide

Your Name:
Your Organisation is:
Your responsibility in this organisation:
Your Telephone Number
Your Email Address
What role do you want to have
On what would you like to focus

If other, please specify

Which business goal do you want to focus on
In which business sector do you have the most management experience (i.e. NHS, Sport, Regional Development...)


On a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is low and 10 is high)

Please indicate the importance to you of:

Devoting time to personal development
Relying on others
Copying the actions of others
Making judgements
Delivering benefits quickly
Being understood
The control you have over a situation
You sharing experience
You sharing expertise
Having your managements support
Informing your management of progress
Working with people with the same interests
Working with like-minded people
Working with people of the same religion
Working with people of the same gender
Working with people of the same age
Working with people of the same race

Your achievements
The achievements of others
Your standards of performance
Others standards of performance
You challenging others views
Others challenging your views
You listening to others views
Others listening to your views
You trusting others
Others trusting you
You questioning others
Others questioning you
Your goals
The goals of others
You giving feedback
You receiving feedback
Your control of situations
Others control of their situations
You sharing your feelings
Others sharing their feelings
You sharing your successes and failures
Others sharing their success and failures
You developing you self esteem
Others developing their self esteem
You respecting confidentiality
Others respecting confidentiality
Developing personal resources & networks
Reflecting on what works
Reflecting on what does not work
Understanding how issues arise
Dealing with issues when they arise
Sharing issues, ideas and insights
Relating to people with authority and influence
Having mutually beneficial relationships
Looking at issues from a different perspective
Been seen to be successful
Feeling successful
Hearing about your success
Knowing of  'heroes' who do what you want to do
Having those you respect, tell you are doing well
Being seen to be as good as 'The Best'
Doing what you said you were going to do
Hearing other people agree with your opinion
Seeing people behave as you would behave
Using others to develop ideas
Hearing other peoples views & relating it to yours
Changing your attitude to motivate others

Discussing the opportunities you identify
Developing opportunities into realities
Gaining supporting to development opportunities
Not being surprised by unrealised opportunities
Controlling the development of opportunities
Realising all opportunities
Enabling others to realise opportunities

Please press the 'Submit' button below once you have completed your response.